Technical | Graphic
Technical and regulatory services
We provide expert consulting services in a wide range of technical areas:
Botanical surveys
Floristic and rare-plant surveys in a very wide range of geographic areas
Vegetation mapping
Aerial photograph and satellite image interpretation; many different systems of classification and characterization
Quantitative vegetation sampling
Methods suitable for grassland, scrub, and diverse types of forest vegetation
Ecological history and process
Interpretation of historical ecological conditions and current processes and trends, inferred from historical information, comparison of soil profile data, and existing vegetation
Rare species habitat suitability assessments
Assessments based upon published agency protocols where available, or upon review of scientific literature and our own field experience
Nesting bird and raptor surveys
Visual and auditory surveys as appropriate to species
Greenhouse gas analysis
Analysis of a project's long-term balance of carbon-based fuel use for vehicles and electricity and carbon absorption/release related to vegetation removal and growth, in comparison to no-project conditions
Information graphics
Technical illustration and presentations for project documents and public outreach or agency hearings
We help project concepts become reality — working with you from choice of site through project design and construction:
Opportunities and constraints assessments
Site selection and project design
General or targeted biological surveys
Survey level of effort determined collaboratively with sponsor to achieve project goals cost-effectively
Permits for wetland fills and mitigation, stream channel modifications, water quality certification, SWPPPs, and rare-species mitigation agreements
Habitat construction specifications
Soil salvage, soil profile construction, topography, and revegetation specifications, including erosion control design where appropriate
Revegetation oversight
Supervision of soil handling, plant salvage, and all aspects of revegetation
Quantitative baseline or permit-compliance monitoring using sampling and statistical methods appropriate to the site and criteria
Impaired vegetation remediation
Analysis of degraded or damaged vegetation, non-performing mitigation projects, and specifications for remediation
Expert witness services
Site studies, expert reports, agency negotiation, and sworn testimony